Many shooters undergo firearms training in order to protect themselves and their loved ones, whether inside or outside the home. But, how many shooters have trained to use a firearm under low-light conditions utilizing a flashlight? This course is designed for those individuals that are interested in learning how to apply the basics of firearms self-defense training while under low-light conditions. The course will make extensive use of tactical simulations that will allow the shooter to apply the fundamentals of shooting in realistic self-defense scenarios, whether at home or on the street. Role-players will be utilized in the scenarios so that the participants can undergo decision-making drills under stress. Only simulated firearms (Airsoft, RAM-Real Action Markers) will be used, since the students will be engaging the role-players in force-on-force scenarios.
• NJ Use of Force overview
• Tactical considerations regarding self defense
• Ethical Considerations in regards to the use of deadly force
• Developing the proper mindset for self-defense
• Drawing from a holster
• Discussing Cover vs. Concealment
• The basics human vision under low-light conditions
• Various flashlight deployment techniques
• Low-light shooting drills (students will need to bring a flashlight)
• Shooting while moving when utilizing a flashlight
Pre-requisites: Prior to the class, the student will have needed to complete a basic pistol class that addressed the fundamentals of pistol shooting. The pre-requisite is waved for law-enforcement personnel.